Lawyer with law firm in Bra, former member of the Board of Directors of Finpiemonte S.p.A., Chairman of the Committee.

Lawyer Annalisa Genta / Lawyer - Chairman

Member of the Board of Directors of the Alba-Bra Onlus Hospital Foundation and of the CRC Foundation.

Mariano Costamagna / entrepreneur
vita associa

The association Vita! Valore Italia promotes the value of Made in Italy and works to support local companies.

Lawyer Davide Calvi / Association Vita Valore Italia

Head-Organization & Legal Affairs di Egea S.p.A.

Sebastiano Contegiacomo / Director of External and Institutional Relations Egea S.p.A.

Winemaker, President of Think Quality Srl commercial services and development of innovative projects in the wine sector.

Stecca Fabrizio / Winemaker - President Think Quality

Financial institution of the Piedmont Region, subject to management and coordination by the Region, works in support of development.

Finpiemonte S.p.A.

Iren Energia S.p.A. operates in particular in the production and distribution of electricity, district heating services and public utility services.


Geac S.p.A. is the management company of Cuneo – Levaldigi Airport. Born with the intervention of local public bodies.

GEAC S.p.A. / Cuneo Airport

Owner of Magma Marketing and Communication. Active in supporting Piedmontese companies for digital marketing and online communication.

Eng. Alessandro Germani / Magma Marketing

Tesi S.p.A. with 25 years of experience in the Information Technology field, has grown steadily, continuing to build and distribute software solutions in 44 countries around the world.


Finsa S.p.A. operates in consultancy and services for innovative business models, designing and developing digital services.

Eng. Pierpaolo Perotto / CEO Finsa S.p.A.


Alongside the Founding Members, many companies and individuals interested in supporting the project have already joined in recent months:

Acqua di Cherasco, Adriano Marco e Vittorio S.S. Agricola, APRO Formazione Scarl, Piemonte Asprofrut S.C.C. Agricola P.A., Bios S.r.l., Carlo Borsalino – Rivista Idea, Camera di Commercio Italiana di Nizza, Elena Cavallero, Cerem – Chambre des énergies renouvelables et de l’Ecologie de Monaco, Marzio Ciravegna, Domenico Clerico Az. Agr., CNA di Cuneo, Confapi, Confartigianato Cuneo, Confindustria Cuneo, Azienda Vitivinicola Paolo Conterno, Bar Pasticceria Converso, Delizie Bakery S.r.l., Faser S.c.r., Galup S.r.l., GB Costruzioni S.r.l., Gemini Project S.r.l., Golosalba srl, Grosso Maurizio Az. Agr., Inalpi S.p.A, Francesco Lamberto, Mandrile Melis S.r.l., Miac S.c.r.l., Marco Milanesio, Moedi S.r.l., M.S.A. Insurance Broker S.r.l., Umberto Olivero, Paneco Ambiente S.r.l., Pasta Berruto Spa, Penta Progetti S.r.l., Pistacchio S.P.A., Quattroerre S.r.l., Riccardi Cioccolato, Riva e Depositi Alimentari S.a.s., Sartirano Figli Cantine e Vigneti S.R., Synergie Italia S.p.A., Sisea S.r.l., TLT S.r.l., Tomatis Autotrasporti S.r.l., Tonoli Spedizioni srl, Toso spa, TRI S.P.A., Alessandro Sandri S.R.L., Trigenia S.r.l., Azienda Agricola Villosio Daniele, Whiteready S.r.l., Winespaces SBRL, YCT S.r.l., Zanolli & Partners.